The Future & Us

The Future & Us

Hello Dear Readers,

Today, I will be discussing The Future & US with the Five Ws method (what, how, when, where, & why). In effect, I will show that there is an illusion that the future needs to be fully understood in the mind to get what a person wants. Using Mindfulness & Unconditional Love, we are giving these answers and become sensitive to our Higher Self’s mission on this earth.

What is the future?

The future is simply a new present with different particulars or details. Thus in relation to ourselves, the future is now (objective) and never (subjective or in the mind).

How to plan for the future?

Before one plans for the future, one must be fully present in the moment and feel the loving flow of life pulsating in their body. Without this inner loving flow, one will be making future plans based off of old patterns or social pressure which brings only conditional statements (if this happens, then this will happen). So, to plan for the future, first work on your current situation and improve it to the max. To do this, one must slow down, give up their ideas of the future, and work on the health of the body & mind. By practicing these, you are giving yourself the power to built a present or should I say future present with love and light.

When should I plan for the future?

The moment you let go of all plans and are happy in the moment. Once this is achieved, you should start by building on the highest priority plans in relation to your present situation. For example, if my leg hurts, I need to solve this issues first before trying to be another job so I can buy more stuff.

On the bigger plans, make sure that they are flexible because, one thing is for sure, it will always be 50% what you want and 50% what you don’t want. So, loosen up your desires for things and then the universe will start to bring things into your life that you need to do for the future. For example, a new friend might come into your life bringing ideas of becoming a real estate sales associate–we then digest, forget, and let go of this idea and see if it sticks or comes back to us.

Where is the future?

The future is the present constantly changing into new forms in a logical step-by-step pattern to allow life to exist and not go completely crazy. The human mind creates a imaginary future which also have a 50% chance of being beneficial or harmful for one’s self. So, if you are using your mind, just keep an eye one the negative side for your plan, as well as, you positive side.

Why does the future exist?

The future only exists in the human mind (imagination, thoughts, & conversations). We are given the super-power/super-curse to allow life, in all its forms, to experience new things. Life is always looking for new experiences, so go and be bald with your future and the universe will reward you greatly. As Terrance McKenna says “Nature conserves, prefers novelty.”

In conclusion, if one uses the practical techniques of mindful living and unconditional love (inside & out). The future will be brought to their feet and they can walk hand-in-hand with the ever changing steps leading one on the path with their Higher Self.

Much love & mindfulness,

Scott Alan Williams.

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